Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Cookies takes about
45 minutes from beginning to end. One serving contains
215 calories,
3g of protein, and
11g of fat. For
30 cents per serving, this recipe
covers 5% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. This recipe serves 24. Head to the store and pick up eggs, vanillan extract, butter, and a few other things to make it today. It works well as a very affordable dessert. It is brought to you by Foodista. 59 people were impressed by this recipe. Taking all factors into account, this recipe
earns a spoonacular score of 24%, which is not so outstanding. Try
Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Walnut Cookies {My Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookies},
Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Cookies, and
Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Cookies for similar recipes.