Lemon Coconut Granola requires about
45 minutes from start to finish. For
61 cents per serving, this recipe
covers 9% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. One portion of this dish contains approximately
6g of protein,
14g of fat, and a total of
252 calories. This recipe serves 15. It works well as a very affordable breakfast. This recipe is liked by 32 foodies and cooks. It is brought to you by Foodista. Head to the store and pick up coconut oil, juice of lemon, peel of lemon, and a few other things to make it today. It is a good option if you're following a
gluten free, dairy free, and lacto ovo vegetarian diet. Taking all factors into account, this recipe
earns a spoonacular score of 61%, which is solid.
Lemon Coconut Granola Bites,
Full House: Coconut Cupcakes, Lemon Curd Filling, Coconut-Lemon Buttercream Frosting, Toasted Coconut, and
Roasted Blueberry Coconut Quinoa Parfaits with Coconut Granola are very similar to this recipe.