If you have around
45 minutes to spend in the kitchen, Apple- Pomegranate Crisp might be a tremendous
lacto ovo vegetarian recipe to try. This recipe serves 12 and costs $1.05 per serving. This dessert has
295 calories,
4g of protein, and
11g of fat per serving. 2 people were impressed by this recipe. Head to the store and pick up ground cinnamon, apple juice, corn starch, and a few other things to make it today. It is brought to you by Foodista. Taking all factors into account, this recipe
earns a spoonacular score of 22%, which is not so outstanding. Users who liked this recipe also liked
Apple- Pomegranate Crisp,
Brenda's Apple and Pomegranate Crisp, and
Apple Crisp with Maple Syrup & Pomegranate.